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A member registered Jan 23, 2023

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my version is not updating because the pc version is currently listed as Windows only rather than Windows and Linux. Please fix quick

Thank you! It is indeed fixed now.

... It's not a time delay... Arcadean, please change the settings on the Itch Main Page to compatible with MacOS AND Linux, Windows, and Android. Because right now the game is listed on Itch as only being for Apple... Please, I wanna see Lil' Kana show her mama support and possibly curl up in her lap... I don't even know IF she curls up...

K. So... The game files for mac are still listed as supported... but the PC/linux and Android files are not listed as supported and the Itch App refuses to let me install/update the current version because of it. I'm hoping it's just some kind of time delay, but if not... It was fun playing while I could

I love this game. You guys are amazing. Money is a bit tight now, but will be donating soon. I do want to say that the continuity of some scenes such as Hilda and Matilda could use a look with a fresh pair of eyes... they occur before the path split though, so I presume those are the remaining 25% you mentioned... Man, love what's going on in all this. Being a vanilla dude, I'm so glad you did both, but you know... I wonder what would be stopping you from making two separate versions of your next game, instead of trying to fit both in the same game... Whatever the case, you guys are the greatest. There are a couple games I tried that tried to do a good path and a bad path/route, but obviously did not care to cater to the vanilla side at all. You guys  have made my personal GOAT list. If I ever have to come clean about my game stash to someone, know that I will be showing this one... Not much else I can say without spoilers, so... Good luck in the future, you rock (hard)!

Having noticed that bit of unfinished business, I would like to add to this list. From the barrel, I have found the reigns and the spiked collar, and I have gotten to "free play" after becoming the Goblin King (I became the goblin king after sending to demonology studies twice) I would like to state that there is so much unfinished content and optional ending miss-outs that it really only makes sense to follow through to at least v1 completion.

There is a mention in the castle of expeditions, which could make for a wonderful Act VII intro, as well as the mention of a training academy for the maids, which could easily be tied in to the institute to form a "royal academy integration" in cooperation with both the institute and the madame, who would employ and fund students/graduates/trainees. This would also be a good tie-in for the spiked collar and pony-girls, along with the demonology outfit research (why is that option even there if you don't plan on using it?) As part of an agreement with the institute (perhaps a diplomacy quest or act could unlock it) you could even make it so that the girls can be sent for training to wear all sorts of outfits.

Putting the pony-girl reigns, spiked collars, possibly even gags in the unused headwear slot would simply make use of an otherwise unused feature and simply making everything available for all the girls would really give some true "epilogue" vibes rather than simply "free roaming" with all these unfinished bits and teasers staring me in the face. 

I know you said this is the complete version, but please, even if you decide to take a break for a few months (ie. Put on hiatus for a refresher) since this really feels unfinished, and I'd love to see it pulled through to the end. Please come back to this later on and give a real finishing touch. You could probably bring this out to around ver.1.5 or so, with all the missing/unfinished content I saw in there... It would be a great leaning opportunity for you to figure out how to... "tie everything up" at the end of the game ;) so please consider it. For now I will simply watch your progress with the next game and what you're learning and doing from that.

PS. 7 months for a game this size is actually really impressive, despite the missing bits and bobs here and there, which I suppose might be due to you rushing the content instead of taking your time with it... really looking forward to future content from you dude! Great work!

Thank you! I have this weird issue where it's difficult to tell apart similar color tones. I'm not color-blind, but for gaming purposes I may as well be. I'll take a closer look now...

How to free captives? There is slots for gems but no hints as to what goes in them...

Thank you! Now to collect the shells... If you could make add a "book" of shell-types later in development (such as the library, since that's what is currently in development)  so you don't have to answer this question over and over would be great! 

Good luck and keep going! I'm gonna grind some bot-looting now...

Thanks for the info! The player base definitely sounds useful for this, only remaining issue is not knowing how many shell types there are. 

You could definitely use the arcades for that though. Or at least something similar, like an arcade at the library that exclusively stocks shell-type bots for an added premium (additional possibility of stills and/or scenes with the arcades AKA free access to the arcade for bot donors) along with / or a list of "stockable" shell-types currently in said arcade. I'm a bit of a completionist for in-game collectables, so I would at least like a list of shell-types to be available in the library.

By the way, (update) I now have obtained every currently available gallery thing. Still have to use the multiverse pod though. On that note, why is everything illegal in the new zone? Is that the default while it's in development? Also I beat both precursor junkyards for their map fragments, but haven't opened the crates yet. Are there unique parts in those crates? The collapsor torpedoes were a nice hidden prize for the gutsy btw. I used two of those torpedoes to take down the final phase of the Krell's Precursor Junkyard. 

Hoping you keep going on this project, and since you mentioned the player base in ver1.0, I have great hopes! Rooting for you and hoping you continue with even more great stuff!

Hello! Game is looking great! At time of posting, I am currently about to send the Infiltrator to the Lab. I do have a bit of concern/advice for you though. I have noticed that you can find bots in containers with pre-existing shell types aside from J-type and Infiltrator, but when it comes to keeping track of these other types, between the arcades and stasis storage, it is very difficult to keep track of them. 

It would be very much appreciated if we could unlock either some off-ship storage for sex bots that lets us know their shell type on hover, or some way to reproduce shell types we have encountered, possibly including (or warning against/blocking) the Infiltrator shell. 

This is especially important with the notion I have seen in the updates and comments of the Multiverse Pod and the warning of it being single-use... Are there more pods that can be purchased later because for now I am simply keeping my unique bots in stasis shipping pods worried that I may one day lose a battle against space pirates for my cargo and lose the special shell types.

Please either tell me that you are planning something or that I simply haven't reached that point in the game yet...

how about we ask for a lewd milkmaid instead? Can we get a lewd milkmaid to help out on the farm?

(1 edit)

Dude, it's your Birthday!? Have a great one! Also, get yourself an Ice Cream Cake! :)

Trying to take Claire on a date at the Club results in the attached error screen, but only in Windows (I used to play in Linux, but Itch's login thing isn't working). Also, the whirling rainbow text in the Hot Springs unlock results in a Windows-only error as well. Please patch, and keep up the great work! 

I also was confused about Sakura town. The answer to that though is Morning. Go  to each girl in Sakura town in the morning.

One step closer to introducing Roxy to Lyx & buying Emma new clothes... right?

on the topic of improving the game, perhaps a 'notebook' or something could be used for the involvements/side-quests of the non-primary characters. Moonshine's mom, Regina, Zoe, Chloe, and Cassie would be great to have updated journals or character logs for. Having the MC get a secure database from Chad to log/store and access said info --which would be for both personal and work logs -- would be a great touch. 

So glad you guys are making such great content and I really hope you never lose heart in this. To the future updates and beyond *CHEERS*